Croydon Airport

These pictures are just some of the many aircraft I have worked on at 'Croydon Airport' in the early to mid 1950's. My work consisted mainly of converting military aircraft radio equipment and systems et for civil use.

 An early conversion of an ex RAF C47 Dakota for BOAC on contract to 'Kuwait Oil Company', standing in front of our workshop (A.J.Whittemore Ltd) awaiting RDF and radio installation.

 An ex RAF Percival Proctor having radio installation. Our workshop is behind. The company soon changed it's name to 'A.J.Whittemore (Aeradio) Ltd.

 Cycling off home. The Fordson van behind, is what we used to do 'Radio Polar Diagrams' for each aircraft, and also the vehicle that I learnt to drive in.

 An ex RAF C47 Dakota fitted with air to ground special detection equipment.

 Douglas Bader's aircraft (he was a rep for Shell Aviation) which I regularly serviced the radio installation.

 An interesting picture. In the background ex RAF C47 Dakota's awaiting conversion for the new BOAC. A Miles Aerovan that we had fitted neon signage. Ex RAF Percival Proctors and DH Rapide's awaiting or already converted for civilian use. Also several ex RAF Tiger Moth's awaiting conversion.

 An 'Airspeed Consul' being prepared for a Radio Polar Diagram.

An Ex RAF converted for civilian use 'Avro Anson' in the process of a newly fitted RDF Loop test.